Faster in and out of Wageningen
Connecting Wageningen to the public transport night network
The last train leaves at 00:12 on weekdays in Ede. This reduces the freedom of our residents and stimulates that more people have to travel by car at night. Just think about how early you have to leave a dinner with friends or a party in for example Rotterdam, if you want to return to Wageningen. It is difficult to keep the trains running until later, but at this point in time no municipality is even attempting to. Moreover, we can already commit ourselves to realize night buses to, for example, Ede, Arnhem or Nijmegen. The first steps have been taken with a night bus to Utrecht, but more should be possible, and we are committed to realize this.
- Change the streetscape: Bikes should be predominant on small roads, and cars on bigger roads.
- Ambitious and refreshing – alternative means of transport and (Almost) car-free city center
- Connecting Wageningen to the public transport night network
- Tackling Wageningen Municipality's fleet
- Realize the traffic tunnel at Bornsesteeg
The accessibility of Wageningen is very important to us. After all, mobility is one of the biggest daily annoyances for people, and has an impact on the climate and has major consequences for (traffic) safety. Because not everyone has the opportunity to live in Wageningen, it is crucial that the travel-time is as short as possible. We believe that bicycle and public transport should be preferred in most places. Only on the major roads should cars be given preference, so that they get out of the city as quickly as possible. In this way, the ideal balance is found between sustainability, health, accessibility and traffic flow.
In Wageningen, about €4.3 million of the total €106 million is invested in accessibility. This is about 4%.
- Priorities further explained
Ambitious and refreshing – alternative means of transport and car-free city center
Our goal is not to bully car drivers, but we want to make other travel options more attractive. For example, we find it strange that there minor attention for car sharing in Wageningen. We want to make this concept more known and appealing. We have concrete plans for this and want to make the city center car-free. It is no longer of this time that a city center can also be a through route for cars. Of course, there should be an exception for local traffic.
The street scene has changed: the bike is the boss on the small road, the car is the boss on the big road.
We are very happy with the bicycle path where the car is a guest around the Jumbo in the Tarthorst. We think this could be done in more places in Wageningen. Reducing speed is important for the safety of cyclists and pedestrians. From 2030, fossil fuel cars will no longer be allowed to be made, which means that there will mainly be silent electric cars on the road. It is less of a problem on a bicycle route/car guest route, because they do not have right of way anyway. On major roads, the car simply has to keep right of way, but in the neighborhoods and the center we don't take this for granted.
Tackling the Wageningen municipality's fleet
Wageningen is always ambitious when it comes to sustainability. But we believe that the municipality should take her responsibility. As far as we are concerned, the cars owned by the municipality and the lease cars must also follow the sustainable ambition. And we can't use these cars as a shared car, after all, they are stationary at the weekend?
Realizing a traffic tunnel at the Bornsesteeg
The accessibility of Wageningen could be much better. This applies to cyclists as well as to cars and public transport. For example, there are daily bicycle traffic jams at the Bornsesteeg/ Nijenoord Allee intersection. These traffic flows can be separated by a tunnel for cyclists or cars. In this way, the hasty cyclist can reach the university faster and safer and other road users do not have to wait at the intersection. This was our idea in 2018. The province is willing to cover most of the costs for this and the part that the municipality has to contribute is also available in a reserve. The plans are also to widen the rest of the route to and around the campus and to promote traffic flow. We keep a close eye on these processes and plans so that the design in the film also becomes reality. This tends to vary quite a bit.
Express buses between WUR and Arnhem
There are plans for a fast bus line between the WUR campus and Arnhem central. We think it's important that it actually happens. In addition, we want to ensure that the number of intermediate stops is minimal so that it becomes a really fast bus line. For example, Connect Wageningen is working on more efficient work and learning traffic in and around our own city Achievements 2018-2022
Successfully fought hard for a tunnel at the intersection Nijennordallee / Churchillweg
In the previous elections we were regularly called naive, because we have always argued for a bicycle and/or car tunnel at this location. In the end, partly because of our insistence on the province, this was anchored in the plans. So you see that young people who read reports are more reliable than politicians, who think they know how the world works because of their years of experience in politics. The province is prepared to cover most of the costs for this and the part that the municipality has to contribute is also available in a reserve. The plans are also to widen the rest of the route to and around the campus and to promote traffic flow. We keep a close eye on these processes and plans so that the design in the film also becomes reality. This tends to vary quite a bit.
Opted for better public transport to and from Wageningen
Like most parties, we have committed ourselves to better public transport from and to Wageningen and we have drawn frequent attention to this. In many large-scale projects, such as the development of Dreijen and Born Oost, we have paid extra attention to access via public transport.
Focusing on traffic situations to improve
Wageningen has become much safer in recent years. For example, 3 of the 6 traffic locations from our previous election program have been tackled, namely:
- On the Dijk, direction Argo and Vada, Crossroads Rabobank,
- The route Haarweg – Campus.
- Crossroads Rooseveltweg- Lawickse Allee, Holandseweg around Pantarijn
Unfortunately, the locations around the Leeuwenborch and Churchillweg around the Volkswagen dealer haven’t been addressed yet.
Attention to cycling in all construction projects
Over the past four years, we have worked in extra for cyclists. For example, the cyclist was the snowed-under child in the file for the campus tour if we did not opt for it every time.
Motion for night buses submitted
In addition to bicycle traffic, public transport was a significant point of focus. As a result of our motions, a night bus now runs between Wageningen and Utrecht. This can be seen as a good first step in connecting Wageningen to the night network.
Plans for express buses between WUR and Arnhem supported
The plans to realize an express bus between WUR and Arnhem are progressing slowly. We continue to support these developments.
Motion for speed reduction on the water submitted
We are also for safe traffic on the water. The motion for speed reduction on the water was therefore written by us. Unfortunately, the alderman has not yet been able to implement this successfully.
Voted against unnecessary traffic improvements
We voted against the plans to improve the traffic situation at the Jan Linders. We found these plans too expensive and not a top priority. Unfortunately, other parties have given this location priority. Why is a mystery to us, there are many locations that are much worse.
Free bicycle lights handed out every year
To improve road safety, we organize an annual campaign where we hand out free bicycle lights. We do this together with the municipality and other youth organisations. We mainly focus on young people and students, because the figures show that young people more often have bad bicycles and lack lighting.
Connect your vision with ours
Do you have any ideas or suggestions for accessibility in Wageningen? Let us know by using the form below.