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Chapter 1: Start with your own agenda

#1 Uit de Raad

Our first month as a new political party is almost over! It was a close count with our second council seat, but this didn’t keep us from being enthusiastic and starting with an open mind. The first political evening for Connect Wageningen is also a fact. Although many important topics were discussed, as a new party we try to stay primarily with our own points. For example, on that same day we also had a meeting with “Safe Traffic Netherlands” (Veilig Verkeer Nederland), Student Alliance Wageningen (SAW), Youth Council, Pantarijn and the student councils of WUR and Rijnijssel to make Wageningen safer and more accessible in other ways.

Connect is also working to strengthen the bonds between the city and the university. For example, we organized a Meet & Greet with the mayor on the Campus during the One World Week. These kinds of discussions about the internationalization of Wageningen will have to be given more and more priority, because the community of internationals in Wageningen continues to grow.

Connect Wageningen is a party run by youth, students, internationals and young professionals who is accessible for everyone.So, if you have any ideas, be sure to let us know by e-mailing or find us every wednesday during lunch at the WUR Campus, Forum Building, 1st floor!