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Results of the municipality election 2022

We are satisfied with the election results. In 2018 we had around 1300 votes, and now we have around 1920. That is 50% more votes, while the attendance of this years elections was lower compared to 4 years ago. 1920 votes is around 10% of the total votes in Wageningen this year. We hereby want to thank our voters once again. This result shows that we are a stable political party with a growing amount of supporters.

As a party with mainly young people, 4 years is a period in which plans are made, but plans can also change. As a party we stand for taking decisions together, and communicating those choices to our constituency in a transparent way. One of those choices is which people will take place in the city council. In a meeting we decided that the second seat goes to Haroen. The involved persons (Cato and Haroen) mentioned that they would like Connect to make the choice. Before this decision was made it was discussed with the 2 candidates between who the choice should fall. They said they would like to do it this way.

In the future the city council members of Connect Wageningen will switch, so others, among which Cato, will fulfill this role on a later moment. This will always be in consultation with our members. We want to give everyone space to follow their career path in combination with their effort for Connect Wageningen. This way we can keep operating as a stable party that is appealing to young people.

On behalf of Connect Wageningen Sarah Alen and Haroen Lasshab will take place in the city council. The new chair of our faction is Sarah.